Multiple Click Events For One Screen Element
Several click events can be assigned to one screen element. This means that several actions can be triggered simultaneously with just one click on a screen element.
Various click events are available, which can be combined in different ways depending on the specific application.
For example, it is possible to switch to another playlist element within a playlist and activate an external device, such as a lamp, at the same time.
We would like to explain the function using the following example.
In a real estate office, customers have access to a touch screen with information about real estate and its financing.
They see a main page on which the available topics are laid out as touch fields:
Touch field → Real Estate
Touch field → Financing
- When the customers click on Real Estate, the screen changes to display detailed information about the property.
- When the customers click on Financing, they are redirected to the financing information.
- At the same time, the lamp next to the touch screen automatically adjusts to the color of the currently selected topic area.
In the example, two click events were created → Alias and External device.
Playlist View
Corresponding screens are created in the playlist for the main page as well as for the topics. The playlist elements are given corresponding aliases under Settings:
Playlist element 1: Main Page → Alias “Main Page”
Playlist element 2: Real Estate → Alias “Real Estate”
Playlist element 3: Financing → Alias “Financing”
Add Click Event
We have opened the Main Page playlist element for editing in the HTML5 Editor.
- Select the screen element for which you want to create a click event. In our example → Real Estate.
- Go to the Click Event tab and click on the + Symbol.
- Select the click event. In our example → Alias.
Assign Click Event
- Open the drop-down menu in the Click Event tab under Alias.
- Select the relevant alias. In our example → Real Estate.
In the example, a click event with the alias “Financing” is created and assigned in the same way for the screen element “Financing”.
Add Additional Click Event
- Add an additional click event with the + symbol.
In the example, the click event → External Device is selected to control the color of a lamp. - Select the Command.
In the example, the → Color command was selected, which is sent to the lamp. - Select the color.
In the example, the color of the “Real Estate” playlist element was selected.
In the example, a click event → External Device with the color of the “Financing” element is created in the same way for the “Financing” screen element.
When clicking on the → Real Estate or → Financing screen element in the Main Page playlist element, the system switches to the assigned playlist element (real estate or financing) and sets the respective light color at the same time.